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  • Is this Caramel's first litter?
    Yes, this is her first litter and a C-section delivery was not required, nor was any intervention required during delivery of the puppies. Caramel was a natural; an advantage of waiting until she was mature to breed her. She was nearly three years old and in her fourth season when we bred her on 15th August 2023. Her original due date was 63 days later, which would have been her 3rd Birthday; however, the puppies had a mind of their own and arrived on day 58. The ethical guidance on breeding is that a dog should be at least one year old and in her second season or later before breeding. Caramel's seasons are about 8 months apart, so the minimum breeding window would have been when she was 16 months old, but we wanted her to be more mature. We haven't decided whether to breed her again, but if we do, it will be in her sixth season, approximately December 15th 2024.
  • Do I need to buy Pet Insurance for my puppy?
    Our puppies will come with four weeks of insurance from Petlan. We strongly recommend that you continue to insure your puppy. The advantage to having insurance is that you will not be tempted to consider delaying a Vet visit in order to save money if you have a health concern for your dog. Most insurance companies will only activate a policy once the sale is complete. We have committed to the Puppy Charter with PetPlan, a major UK pet insurance company and one benefit of this is that they will insure the puppies at no cost to you for the first four weeks you own them. This gives you time to consider the various insurance companies and choose one that you like. One option would be to continue with PetPlan, but you must make this decision before the end of the four weeks free coverage lapses. Caramel is insured with Many Pets, but they don't offer walk away insurance for puppies, which is why we looked elsewhere for walk away cover. We don't endorse any particular insurance company and we don't receive a commission if you buy insurance from PetPlan, nor would we want to. They offer high street coupons to breeders if puppy buyers insure their pet with them, but these are of minimal value and we doubt that we will ever use any that might become available.
  • Where are the puppies located and can I come to see them?
    The puppies are in Oxford, UK. For security reasons, a precise address will only be made available to those whose applications have been approved. Please visit our Contact page to request an application form.
  • What do you mean by Ethical Breeding?
    In the simplest terms, ethical breeders follow the Golden Rule of doing unto others as they would have others do unto them. We have bred our much loved pet, who is an important member of our family and has brought so much joy into our lives. We want to share this very rewarding experience with other dog lovers by producing a litter of healthy, well socialised and confident puppies who will go out to other families and spread the joy. This is why we named our website Cockapoo Joy. This is what a well bred puppy brings to you. There are four key elements to our breeding plan. We voluntarily comply with the UK's Lucy's Law. We adhere to the requirements of the PetPlan Puppy Charter. We use the Puppy Contract from as the basis of selling our puppies. We adhere to the advertising standards of the Pet Advertising Advisory Group, which you may read at In addition, we have a robust socialisation plan underway with the puppies and this website and blog provide comprehensive information about caring for your puppy once you take him or her home.
  • What is the price of a puppy?
    The price for these puppies is £1200. They will come with a comprehensive Puppy Pack, four weeks of insurance from PetPlan, a microchip and their set of first vaccinations from Vets4Pets, a veterinary practice located within most Pets at Home stores in the UK.
  • When will the puppies be available to take home?
    The puppies will be available for collection from 9th December 2023 in Oxford, UK. This is 8 weeks and two days after they were born in accordance with Lucy's Law.
  • Are you a licensed breeder?
    We are ethical hobby breeders, not a licensed breeder; however, we adhere to as many of the standards that are inspected in order to obtain a breeding licence as possible. We appreciate the numerous steps the UK Government has taken to put unethical puppy farms and breeders that don't care about the health of the dogs they breed out of business. These steps are not intended to stop pet owners from breeding an occasional litter in their home from their beloved family pet, which is what we do. We operate transparently, with full disclosure and we do not sell puppies to impulse buyers. To buy one of our puppies, you will need to complete an application form, be vetted, then visit the puppies with their mother in our home where we can answer all questions you might have. Only then will we accept a reservation deposit.
  • What steps are involved in buying one of these puppies?
    Here is the process we have established for anyone wishing to buy a puppy: Read the Ethical Breeding section of this website. Optional - read the About Cockapoos section of this website. Use the contact form on the About page of this website to request an Application Form. If we approve your application, you will be invited to come to our home to visit the puppies and their mother. Visit the puppies and ask all the questions you wish to ask us. If you then wish to reserve a puppy, let Mike know which puppy and he will place it on Hold for up to 48 hours pending completion of steps 6 and 7. Mike will email an Offer to you along with a draft of the Puppy Contract, an Addendum to the contract and a Family Tree for the puppies. Read the offer, Puppy Contract, Contract Addendum and Family Tree when you receive them and resolve any questions you have. Once you are ready to reserve a puppy, pay a £300 non-refundable deposit and we will cease marketing the puppy you have chosen. Arrange to collect your puppy on or about 9th December 2023, at which time contracts will be signed and the balance of £900 will be due.
  • Will my puppy have any vaccinations before I collect him or her?
    The litter will receive the core vaccinations including DHP and Lepto4 in their eighth week at Vet4Pets, just before you collect your puppy. These include: Canine Distemper - A viral disease which can cause severe, and often fatal, pneumonia (lung inflammation) and encephalitis (brain inflammation). Canine Adenovirus type 1 and 2 - These viruses can cause severe and fatal Hepatitis (liver inflammation) as well as upper airway inflammation. Canine Parvovirus - A highly-contagious and often-fatal virus that causes severe illness with signs such as vomiting and bloody diarrhoea. Leptospirosis - This infection can cause liver and kidney failure. The bacteria live in stagnant and standing water such as lakes, rivers and ponds. Lepto4 protects the puppy against four different strains of this disease. Buyers will need to get the second round of vaccinations for their puppy at 12 weeks. If your chosen Vet practice offers a Pet Health Plan as a monthly subscription, the vaccinations are usually included at no extra cost, along with flea, tick and worm prevention, nail clipping, and an annual health check, though each Vet may vary what they include in their Plan. Additional vaccinations to consider: Kennel Cough - A mild disease that mainly leads to discomfort. Most kennels require a dog to be vaccinated for Kennel Cough before they will accept them for boarding. Rabies - This disease doesn't exist in the UK, but if you wish to take your puppy abroad, they will need a current rabies vaccination.
  • Which puppies are still available?
    We won't take deposits for any of the puppies until the prospective buyer has submitted an application form and this has been approved, followed by a visit to meet the puppies along with their mother at our home in Oxford, UK. The puppies are six weeks old as of 23rd November. Pup 1: SOLD - Chocolate Sable Male with chocolate nose and paw pads, green eyes, tan points and a thick wavy coat Pup 2: SOLD - Apricot Male with black nose and paw pads and a wavy coat Pup 3: SOLD - Apricot Male with a white streak on his forehead that is currently looking like a bolt of lightning, along with a large white patch on his chest and a curly coat Pup 4: SOLD - Dark Sable Male with tan points and a white patch on his forehead that initially looked like a heart and so far a smooth coat Pup 5: SOLD - Dark Sable Female with tan points and a tiny white spot on her forehead who is starting to show signs of a wavy coat Pup 6: SOLD - Apricot Female with a curly coat and the largest of the litter
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